Understanding How Scholarships Work

There is always a first time to everything, which is why enlightening people on various topics is very important.

Take for instance, Tochukwu Dele Haruna, who had recently graduated from one of the universities in Nigeria with a first class degree. Haruna is a very bright student who has been misinformed that once he graduates from the university, an automatic foreign scholarship awaits him.

What happens next is intriguing. Haruna sits at home, waits for a foreign scholarship to land at his doorstep; then a friend came to his rescue. Information is key; ignorance is not bliss!

This article is meant to enlighten the minds of our readers on how scholarship works.

What Are Scholarships?

Scholarships are best described as an opportunity to access education at affordable, reduced or no cost usually in exchange for a good and impressive academic performance. They are also described as a reduction in cost of education. That is, scholarship ensures affordability in education.

Scholarships are usually awarded by academic institutions, who after screening a number of applicants, announce a shortlist of those that have successfully qualified for the scholarship.

It is important to note that scholarships are usually competitive. This means that scholarships are competitive in nature, which may result in drawing participants and applicants from various regions and countries. Depending on the requirements, some students may be qualified for full or partial scholarship. Not only do institutions offer scholarships, there are other establishments that follow suit in awarding scholarships, including non-profit organizations, financial institutions, states and federal government.

Back to our story. Haruna has been informed about what scholarships, especially foreign scholarships entails. Now he is curious about schools in the United States that awards scholarships to international students.

Scholarships For International Students

Scholarships for international students are those scholarships reserved for students from other countries outside the country where the scholarship is being awarded.

Haruna is an undergraduate from Nigeria; he is willing to apply for the recently announced Florida State University’s scholarship for international student, but require assistance on the application process.

How To Apply For International Scholarships

If you have questions like Haruna, you have to understand that there are several colleges around the world which gives considerations to international students. International scholarships are designed to cover tuition, application fee, books, accommodation and stipends among other needs. While some scholarships come as Graduate Assistantship for post-graduate students, it is overall beneficial than sponsoring oneself through college.

As an international student – a student applying to a foreign university- you must first find out whether or not, the college you are planning to attend grants international scholarships. After confirming this, you have to also confirm if your country of origin is included among those qualified for the scholarship. Thereafter, you confirm your eligibility for the scholarship program. If the language of instruction where you had your first degree, including your country of origin is not English, you may be also be required to take an International English language test.

Should you require further assistance or questions about your course of study or visa application, you should quickly contact the school. Some schools hold zoom meetings for prospective applicants in order to explain further on these issues; you must check your email regularly to keep yourself abreast.

How Do Travel Agency Come In To Ease Study Abroad Process?

First, you must know that a travel agency can be a private retailer or public service that offers travel and tourism-related services to the general public on behalf of lodging or travel suppliers, offering various types of travel packages for each destination.

Those who offer these services are considered and regarded to be travel agents. Their services goes beyond liaising with schools on behalf of their clients, but they also offer advises that can help students make the best decision in selecting accredited and credible institutions. So in understanding how scholarships work, it is important you speak with a travel agent also whose services encompasses everything we have highlighted in this post.

In sourcing for these agencies, you put the following into considerations;

In putting these criteria into consideration, means you are not only choosing a path of enlightenment in your journey abroad, rather you are setting a pace for others to follow suit.

On our list, we have: global linkage, domestic and international recognition, and consultation services.

Who Are We?

Luxair Educational Services is an international educational consulting firm promoting scholarship, training and retraining internship and exchange program for student and academic staff overseas

They have a record of global linkages facilitating credible academic programmes with high ranking institutions, operating within the context of approved National Universities Commission and global Cross Border Education platform.

They have also organized international programmes for various tertiary institutions in Nigeria, including the University of Lagos and Bells University of Technology.

With over 15 years of professional student placement and visa counselling services experiences representing and placing student into A-level, undergraduate, postgraduate, vocational training and PHD degree programs at top institutions across the globe especially in the United Kingdom,

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