Speaking With The Right Study Abroad Counsellor

Although choosing to study abroad is incredibly exciting, the journey there can be scary and challenging. Study abroad advisors, who are subject matter experts, step in to save the day in this situation.

The best choice you can ever make for your study abroad experience is to speak with the right study abroad counsellor. This decision will save you from a lot of stress.

Here at Luxair Educational Services, we look forward to guiding you through the subject of the day.

A good study abroad counsellor can be your best friend during this educational roller coaster, right from giving you that extra push if you are down, and keeping you alert to meet all the deadlines.

Still unsure? Read and see how easy your study abroad journey can be with a counsellor by your side.

Expertise And Direction

Numerous students are advised by Luxair Educational Services to pursue studies overseas each year. They have mastered the procedure. They will be able to assist you, even while they are asleep, no matter what uncertainties you may have regarding the study abroad process.

You can ask someone who makes a livelihood doing it instead of searching Google for information on how to study abroad. And you can seek their advice throughout the entire process.

Connections With Universities Around The World

Study abroad counsellors have ties with many top universities around the world. You can directly talk to representatives from your dream universities during the many international education fairs that they conduct.

Even if you want to personally talk to a few universities before you choose one, you can do so by asking your counsellor to make arrangements.

Shortlisting Assistance

Narrowing down from all those top study destinations and hundreds of great universities is just a little short of an actual nightmare. With a study abroad counsellor by your side, you can just tell them your preferences and your qualifications. They will come with a short, personalized list of universities that are apt for you.

Now, you can choose your final choice after discussing its pros and cons with the counsellor.

Provides Ways To Explore Multiple Pathways

What if you don't meet the eligibility criteria set by the university of your choice? Educational counsellors will give you ideas to make up for it through other ways, like a superb SOP (Statement of purpose). They can also advise you on foundation and pre-degree courses you can take before doing a full-time degree. This way, you will go abroad and study as per your plan, even if it is to prepare for the course you wanted.

You can also apply to many universities to increase your odds. With educational counsellors, you can apply to about five universities at once. You just need to give your documents and details once, and they will apply to multiple universities for you.

Help With The Application

Top study destinations like the US, the UK, Canada, and Ireland have different types of application processes. Even individual universities within the same country make you jump through many hoops before finally letting you submit your application.

With a study abroad counsellor by your side, you just need to give your details, sit back and watch as they do their paperwork magic. You just need to click contact us button to reach out to us. A

Track Application

‘Am I going to get in? Will they reject me? Why is it taking so much time?’ These are just a few things that will run in your head after submitting your application. The real stress starts now. Most universities do not have an application status tracking page on their website. So, you are left to refresh your inbox ten thousand times and wait till you receive mail from them.

But if you are working with a study abroad counsellor, you can get up to date information about the progress of your application. Remember their strong ties with top universities? They will contact the universities directly regarding your application.

Guidance In Finance And Budgeting

Money is a big part of anybody’s study abroad process. Right from tuition fee to cost of living, it is not a dream that is going to go light on the pocket. To make things better, study abroad counsellors can talk to you about scholarships, study loans and other ways of funding your education.

They can even help budget your student life to have the complete study abroad experience while spending money very responsibly.

Making The Visa Process Easy

Like university application processes, visa processes also change country to country. Immigration officers are also generally quite strict and can reject your visa based on things like missing documents or improper conduct.

Study abroad counsellors can help you put together all the necessary documents and apply for the appropriate visa. Then they can help you prepare for your visa interview, making sure that you clear it.

Pre-Departure Guidance

Preparing to leave is a vital part of your study abroad journey. At this stage, you will be excited, scared and a bit sad that you will miss your family. While under the influence of such highly mixed emotions, it might be a little challenging to keep track of your packing checklist, your document checklist, your medical insurance papers, travellers' cheques and so on.

This is where counsellors can come in and tidy things up for you. They will remind you of all the important things and make sure that you are prepared for the journey of your life.

Guidance While Adapting To The New Country

The help and support don't end with enrollment. You can always call your study abroad counsellor if you are feeling down and are finding it difficult to adapt to the new atmosphere. They will give you quick tips and tricks for making friends, studying and even applying for part-time jobs.

Fancy studying abroad this 2023?

Speak with us today!

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