Most-hosted Countries For International Students

International students significantly increase the ethnic diversity of American college campuses.

International student exchange programs are used by universities all over the world to draw migrant students. Students can now look for opportunities abroad because of how simple it is to access information thanks to globalization. Students from nations that are unable to keep up with the demand for higher education choose to study abroad. Many students, particularly those from developing nations, study abroad for courses that are not offered at home. By hosting 19% of all international students, the US takes the lead in hosting mobile students, followed by the UK at 10%.

The majority of international students in the US come from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, India, China and Nigeria. Due to the presence of some of the world's top universities, many students choose to study in the US. These universities give students a variety of educational options. For international students, math, engineering, and business management are the most popular subjects. The University of Southern California, Texas University, and New York University are where the majority of the international students attend classes. 

United Kingdom 

According to a study, ten per cent of international students choose the UK as their destination nation. These students are primarily from China, followed by Nigeria and India. International students look to the top universities in the UK for a top-notch education. University College of London is the most well-known institution with international students, followed by University of Manchester. Business administration studies, engineering, technology, law, and architecture are the most popular courses taken. Some students stay back to look for work after graduating. 


Six percent of all international students go to Australia. China, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam are the top countries where students travel from. 11.8% of these students major in engineering, and 44.7% of them study business management. Australia's largest export service is now education. Australia has significantly lower tuition fees than the UK and the US, and students can work part-time and apply for grants and scholarships. Australia has emerged as a leader in technological advancements, drawing numerous international students. Students who want to work in Australia after graduation have many options. Graduates are evaluated using a point system to see if they qualify for a visa. The method is simple and keeps many students interested.

Education Abroad Trends

Students are leaving the country in greater numbers to explore opportunities abroad. In an effort to hasten the expansion of their economies, developing nations are increasingly helping their students get access to top-notch education. Other popular destinations include Germany, which draws 5% of students who are on the move, and Russia Federation, which draws 3% of all students from abroad. A study show that three of all international students favor Japan, followed by 3 per cent each for Canada, China, and Italy.


Moroccan, Chinese, and Algerian students are the most common nationalities sending students to France. The majority of the 6% of international students who choose to study in France are accommodated in Paris. The most popular courses are in the humanities and languages, followed by economics and sports sciences. Mobile students have been drawn to France by a number of strategies, including the streamlining of the application process, the availability of financial aid, and the expansion of institutions. Numerous immigration options are available, and about 32% of these international students choose to remain and work in France.

Speculations about the future of the global education sector have been sparked by current trends. Due to strict immigration laws, the United States and the United Kingdom are increasingly competing with universities in Canada and Australia. Globally expanding middle class populations are driving up demand for global education markets. Additionally, students are choosing to study abroad for shorter periods of time.

Follow Luxair Educational Services to learn more about study abroad. 

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