

Academic Tours

We offer services such as Academic Tours in countries outside Nigeria such as Germany, USA, UK, etc.

We are committed to enhancing the international experiences for students through international educational tours for university students

We create tailor made academic tour programs. We also welcome educational and professional study groups for a range of short term programs and study tours. We provide you with unique academic trips, tours and excursions carefully selected to improve participants’ cultural experience.

The academic tours provide students an educational experience outside the class rooms or labs. It also provides an opportunity of non-experimental research and helps bring all the students to a common platform irrespective of their social, economic & cultural background.

While on an educational tour/field trip, a student gets to experience first-hand the concepts which help in long term retention of the knowledge. If the class room teaching is followed up by an academic tour or field trip, it helps in clearing the concepts & results in more effective learning. It also helps in application of ideas, theories & knowledge which ensure competence. Discussing during the trip help the students to find solutions to real life problems and makes them innovative. Academic tours helps erase pressure the boredom & monotony of having to attend a lecture. It is fun way of learning & makes it more enjoyable.

While on an educational tour/field trip students have the opportunity to have lively discussion in an informal set up. Experience gathered during an academic tour to factories, breweries, manufacturing companies etc. are of immense benefit to students and help make learning fun and long lasting.

Academic tours provide an opportunity to students to evolve and be on their own which helps make them independent Interactions with people of different socio cultural orientation helps improve communication skills and makes them more accommodating. The educational tour/field trip helps in developing overall personality of students

We offer student destinations in the United Kingdom, Germany, USA, etc. You have the opportunity to learn from many disciplines such as Medical Laboratory Science, Pharmacy, Engineering, Nursing, Accounting, Banking, etc You have the opportunity to meet new people and connect with great minds.

Our popular study tour destinations includes:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • France
  • United Kingdom



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